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to do busine in a moderate way
做生意稳重  detail>>
to do busine in a sincere way
做生意诚恳  detail>>
to do business in a moderate way
做生意稳重  detail>>
in such a way as to do
用……方式以使……  detail>>
one-way co umer truck rental busine
单程客户载重汽车出租业务  detail>>
the best way to do the way of doing
做……的方法  detail>>
do it the other way round
倒过来做  detail>>
do not know the right way
不得其法  detail>>
do things in a casual way
简单从事  detail>>
do things in a perverse way
反动派的倒行逆施从反面教育了人民  detail>>
feel the way i do …
体会到我的感受  detail>>
find a way to do sth
想出办法做……  detail>>
is that the right way to do it no
这是妥当的办法吗否  detail>>
it will kill me to do it this way
这么做可坑死人了  detail>>
on one’s way to do
在去赶……的途中  detail>>
see one’s way to do
想出办法  detail>>
the best way to do sth
做某事最好的方法  detail>>
the only way to do
唯一办法  detail>>